目前分類:English Learning (2)

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Share 2. (p28) →屬short conversation考題,建議先閱讀題目可加快作答速度及準確率,所以我才將題目放前面讓大家養成習慣

Q1:Why is the woman trying to contact Mr. Cross?

a. To get his mobile telephone number.  b. To discuss an issue with his order.  c. To check the time of a meeting.  d. To order a shipment of products.

Q2:What does the man say about Mr. Cross’s telephone number?

a.  It was changed.  b. It is out of service.  c. It is confidential.  d. It is in the directory.

Q3:How should the woman contact Mr. Cross?

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一個人讀書是很孤獨的,所以想藉由blog分享來達到持之以恆及增加記憶力的效果 (擷取一些用法很漂亮的題庫)

除了題庫的解說,也會加一些文法上的註解或是聽力上要注意的重點之類的資訊 供大家參考

本文題庫出自於國際學村 NEW TOEIC聽力http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010397353,喜歡的人可以買來讀讀喔~~



Share 1. (p27) →屬short conversation考題,建議先閱讀題目可加快作答速度及準確率,所以我才將題目放前面讓大家養成習慣

Q1: What is the man working on?

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